Friday, May 7, 2010

Valcluse, Fort Buoux, and Memerbes!

Well! I'm so sorry for the extremely long interlude of nothingness! Work caught up to me and then we went to Paris...and that left everyone overwhelmed with work. However, I am back and will work on updating this now that my workload is "unbearable" as opposed to "there-is-no-way-I-can-get-this-done!!!!! Ever!" (Which I have, so far, so no worries there.)

This, as the title states, is about my trip to Fontaine Valcluse- with Travel, Fort Buoux- with Treasures, and Menerbes- again with Travel.
Why don't we start with:
Valcluse i.e. The most beautiful town I have been to yet (though they're all so close behind)

This was such a cute little candy shop/stand with a cute couple sitting in front (though that wasn't captured in this picture, I'm not quite sure what is going on), and I loved the balloons!
The rocks reminded me so much of the Smokie Mountains...but this is right next to a lovely, quaint little town with a beautiful river! (I do love Gatlinburg, though!)
This is the beautiful river! And some of the gorgeous landscaping too!
Me and a tree...a giant tree that was split into two trees at the base, in front of the river! I am almost as colorful as the town!
These little caves in the rock were...I don't know a word for it, but they were worthy of my camera! Maybe cavemen lived there!...maybe.
This is probably the most clear water that I have ever seen in my entire life! The green is this really vibrant and soft grass-like-stuff that would sway in the water as tall grass does in the wind.
The colors....first of all, everything seems more vibrant in France in general than in America, but this place was simply...well, it continues to render me speechless.
More of the river/miniature waterfalls along the river.
Look at that green and turquoise!! And the grass! Even when Chicago dies the river green for St. Patrick's Day it's not as green!
My lovely roommate Lindsay perched on a tree!
I decided to climb it as well...and make a pose, because I'm theatrical like that.
I want this gate! They make absolutely everything, down to the last detail, gorgeous!
This didn't focus quite how I wanted, but I was getting some odd looks. I got a tiny thing of ice cream and it was adorable- my hand is in there for scale...and so is the gelato spoon.

Now let's move on to Font Buoux!!
This was an ancient fortification on top of an isolated, extremely tall mountain rock! It was very, very tall and I got a workout climbing to the top!
Just a pretty view of the bright green grass and a glimpse of the valley-to-come.
Ruins of civilization. Does anyone recognize that type of arch and the time period in which it was used? I know, but I had to study it and work for my knowledge, so I don't want to share! (Okay I will, but only if you ask me, heehee)
A view of what my classmates liked to call "Pride Rock" from the very top of the cliff! This is looking over the edge- not something you should do if you fear heights or edges. (I assure you I was perfectly safe and had people who would grab me if the worst (and very improbable) were to happen.
The stunning view of the valley.
Of all of the pictures that were taken of me (only about 5) while I sat and enjoyed the view, this was my favorite. I am staring at the camera with a heart on my shirt while my two friends, who are sitting on either side of me, are casting their gaze away from me. It is artistic!...if you want it to be.
This looked prettier in person, but it's still gorgeous! There was a "secret passage" built for emergencies- if the fort were to fall they would be able to sneak a few people out this way and it was practically invisible and impossible to attack from below.
A view of the secret staircase from a slightly lower position on the "staircase". The stairs were very steep and, obviously, had no railing to it, but I clung like a spider to the wall.

And lastly, we went to Menerbes, a town very close to Lacosté.
This was a beautiful stairway, so I took a picture and later ended up drawing it for one of my Travel assignments.
The stone lion was very cool, and the overgrowth of nature as it began to take back the land was so interesting (and beautiful...I am trying to think of other adjectives because I keep saying that)
Lastly, a view of the lovely roofs in Menerbes- I know quite a few people who are in love with these roofs, so for those of you out there, this is for you!

I know this was short, and Paris is up next...I have 96 photos (which I narrowed down from probably 200, be proud!) so I might separate it into different days. We shall see.

For now, that is all. I hope you enjoyed it!!

Until next time!!

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